Nancy Newport LPC, LMFT
Corporate And Organizational Training
If you represent an organization, I can tailor make a presentation for your group that will be informative, motivating and inspirational. No matter what we do professionally, we take ourselves with us. And isn’t it amazing how often we get in our own way?
- Awareness of Self
- Motivation to Improve/Enhance Relationships
- Skill Building to Make that Happen
Examples of possible topics could include:
- Powerful and Effective Communication Strategies: What you think you heard is not what I meant
- Working with Difficult People: Creative and effective ways to work with personnel challenges
- Stresses in Our Lives: Creating optimum performance personally and professionally by
incorporationg effective strategies to achieve and maintain inner balance - Burn Out: Burning too fast, too bright and too long
- Enhanced Managerial People Skills: Leading so others want to follow
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