Nancy Newport LPC, LMFT
Couples Counseling
Relationship counseling has never been as exciting and as challenging as it is today. So many more couples are coming for counseling, due to marital distress and lack of connection. These couples need to experience
Fortunately, there is now research demonstrating the causes of
We can now speak of Couple Therapy as an art as well as a science. We have more clarity, backed by empirical evidence on how to help couples move through and repair their relationship to a greater level of stability and satisfaction.
In this workshop, the science of couple therapy is combined with the art of therapy in a
As counselors, the relationships we have in our own lives affect the way we interact with clients about their issues. You are invited to benefit from this workshop both personally and professionally as you develop advanced skills for helping yourself and clients achieve greater relationship satisfaction.
In my practice I see couples struggle to communicate, to understand and be understood by their partner. Why is it so hard? It seems that the more we care, the more invested we are in a partner, a relationship, the more challenging it is to be clear with one another. Couples work is one of the most gratifying parts of my practice and I love to assist couples in developing the tools to truly be happy with one another and achieve a lasting connection that survives the bumps and twists that life can throw at us.
How about you? Do you enjoy your work with couples? Are you in a partnership and wish it was more fulfilling?Our work with couples and families is sacred work and demands that we be actively working on our own challenges in order to be effective with others. I invite you to come learn with me the newest strategies that really work to help couples realign with each other and in the process do some
In addition, we will learn how to use Meridian Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to treat couples in session who are experiencing emotional dysregulation/ triggered responses in interactions with each other.
I hope to see you there!
~ Nancy